
Sony revealed horror classics for the first time in Stream

Sony revealed horror classics for the first time in Stream

The trailer for the horror series “28 Years Later” has a great resonance on the Internet. One day it’s “28 Days Later” which ends with a digital broadcast.

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Obwohl or gerade weil “28 Days Later” vor 22 days erschien and self die Fortsetzung “28 Weeks Later” bereits 17 days on the Buckel hat, it should be noted that the interests and the späten Fortsetzung “28 years later” ungebrochen zu sein. It is very likely that the zombie theme will be quite up to par this time in terms of the Mattscheibe film. Of course, the Wut-Virus of Stage Manager Danny Boyle and Director Alex Garland of the Taufe Gehobenen Horror-Reihe was not used in Untote, it would seem that the best bar jeder Vernunft is found. Nichtsdestotrotz sorgten sie mit dem ersten Film für a Revival des Zombie genres.

It is therefore a question of a broader time for the appetite for a zünftigen Horrorfilm mit rasenden Infizierten gibt, die zombies über ein Volk herfallen, beweisen die fantastischen Zugriffszahlen, the erste Teaser-Trailer zu “28 Years Later” erzeugt hat ( via Deadline): Demnach wurde dieser innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden nach der Veröffentlichung satte $60.2 million misspent. Damit is not in the best horror trailer 2024, but she also has a double horror trailer behind the Platzhirsch. “ES Chapter 2” with 91 Million Euros inner length of the 24 Stunden beim Ersten Trailer. The trailer for “28 Years Later” grossed over $146.1 million.

Falls ihn bislang verpasst habt, and werft ainen Blick rein, thiser verrät im Grunde fast nichts zur Handlung, zeigt aber eindeutig, mit welch aner intensiven Atmosphäre Boyle and Garland bei ihrer Rückkehr ins Horrorgenre aufwarten werden:

“28 Days Later” will first be a digital version

Once sure, you will have no chance for your fans to first film the movie in the cinema and see them – here you started “28 Years Later” June 19, 2025 in den Kinos –, sondern also unenee ganz neue Generation an Horror- et Kinofans. And I ask you to ensure the new quality of Sony Pictures for the trailer of a big article: Am 18. December 2024 Wird “28 Days Later” is digital first for buyers and experienced people.

Darin accompanies Chief Medical Officer Jim (Cillian Murphy) during a fall with an injured Koma at the intensive care unit of London’s St. Thomas Hospital. The following information is included in the Krankenhaus. This is how we see the men in sudden panic rushing towards each other – but this is not the case, as if it were bald. Ganz London is like ausgestorben. I also found Jim Heraus bald, but.

Movie available

News for horror fans

This is simply the next best thing, the movie on DVD or Blu-ray is available. All products are available under the 83 Entertainment label in Mediabook and in the Hartbox, and the drops are happening very quickly for a year, on Amazon which does not use media at the moment. This last Ankündigung einer digitalen Veröffentlichung self Sammler*innen gelegen kommen. The golden color is not from the US brand. Our age here is also clear, this is a problem related to “28 Days Later” coming here to solve problems. Im Gegensatz zu “28 Days Later” is in “28 Weeks Later” which has problems to solve, we move into your film even if you look at time and water. über Disney+ im Subscribe streamen könnt.

And I advise you to start installing the digital channel to discover “28 days later” and this fun Zombiefilm-Quiz versuchen:

Zombiefilm-Quiz: Beweise dein Wissen! Errate anhand der Untoten den Filmtitel!

What “Dank gigantic Trailer-Erfolg: Sony veröffentlicht Horrorklassiker first in Stream” fell? Diskutiere mit un über actuelle Kinostarts, deine Lieblingsserien et Filme, auf die du sehnlichst wartest. is on all available social media platforms. Oh
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