
Sports column: It’s time to apply for red carpet bowl scholarships – Vicksburg’s post

Sports column: It’s time to apply for red carpet bowl scholarships – Vicksburg’s post

Sports column: It’s time to apply for red carpet bowl scholarships

Posted at 4:00 a.m. Sunday February 16, 2025

One of the Signature sporting events of Vicksburg is the red carpet bowl.

For 62 years and the counting of the event has been a celebration of high school football, the community and our city as a whole. It takes a large team of people to organize the game, the fans to support and maintain it, and the players and the coaches to adopt it for the unique tradition it is.

These are all wonderful things, but another goal from the red carpet bowl is the one that often flies under the radar and is at the moment.

The Red Carpet Bowl is a non -profit organization that finances scholarships for high school seniors in the county of Warren. About a dozen $ 1,000 are allocated each year. It is not enough to pay complete tuition fees, especially given the high cost of the university these days, but can certainly help with books and expenses.

It is now time for students to get their hands on a part of this money.

Applications are currently accepted for red carpet bowl scholarships 2025. Students do not need to be an athlete to be eligible, but must submit a request and homework.

In addition to filling out the application form with certain basic information, including a list of activities and a transcription, they will have to write a trial of 500 words on the reasons why the red carpet bowl scholarship is important for them.

Maybe the scholarship is a family tradition. Maybe playing in the red carpet bowl was a highlight of high school. Or maybe this is an important element of their financial plan for college. Whatever reason, indicate it with eloquent words and submit it.

The application forms can be obtained at the orientation office of each high school, or by sending an email to Travis Wayne Vance in [email protected]. There is also a form attached to the online version of this column that you can download and use.

Once it is completed and the test is ready, send it to: Dr Robert Abraham; 3038 Indiana Ave.; Vicksburg, MS 39180.
The deadline to submit a request is March 4. The recipients will be appointed a few weeks later.

The Red Carpet Bowl is a fun game, but it’s not all fun and games. He has a very good cause attached to him, and it is the season to celebrate him. Do not give your chance to escape and send your request today.

Ernest Bowker is the sports editor of the Vicksburg Post. It can be attached to [email protected]

About Ernest Bowker

Ernest Bowker is the sports editor of the Vicksburg Post. He has been a member of the sports personnel of the Vicksburg Post since 1998, making him one of the oldest journalists during the 140th anniversary of the newspaper. The native of New Jersey graduated from LSU. During his career, he won more than 50 Mississippi Press Association and Associated Press prizes for his local sports cover in Vicksburg.

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