Für seine Kritiker war cese Szene Wasser auf die Mühlen …
The 38th minute of the game pits Leganes and Real Madrid. The Brazilian Vinicius Jr. will make the ball with tempo, will travel 30 meters before passing a pass in the shooting games. The king’s offensive star is led by Javi Hernández, who finds himself in the Abwehr area – before Vinicius zu Boden is too strong, so the hand has to be settled. When you see it get off, you can do it more frequently. Während sich leganes-Spieler beschweren. Zu Recht. Hernandez’s Real Warplayer with the link is easy to read and write in just a few words…
Like this moment, Vinicius is not polarized in Spain like any other. The soccer ball games are not written, but the theater auf dem Rasen presents them during their evening. Viele sind der Meinung, dass Letzteres un der Gründe dafür ist, warum der Brasilianer bei the young Ballon d’Or-Wahl NICHT gewann, sonder l’Europameister et ManCity-Star Rodri nur Platz 2 belegte.
Manndeckung misslungenLukaku attacks Hummels
Bei Reals 3:0-Sieg in Leganes stands another at the Mittelpunkt: Kylian Mbappé. The French Superstar played Treffer with a score of 1:0 and said: “I think a rhythm with my team has been found. »
Zuletzt hatte Mbappé vier Spiele long in der Meisterschaft et Champions League nicht getroffen. Gegen Leganes are linked to coach Carlo Ancelotti for the first time in this season but they are still being linked to offenses. Seit seinem Wechsel im Sommer hatte der Weltmeister von 2018 bei Real immer Mittelstürmer gespielt.
“It’s the story of my Karriere,” he says on RealmadridTV and ergänzte beschwichtigend: “I play straight, links, in the center or with two for me. It’s completely equal. I will help the Mannschaft and Tore to do it I can see all the positional plays.“