
7. TEDxTUWien “Above or outside? – Society at a crossroads”

7. TEDxTUWien “Above or outside? – Society at a crossroads”

25.11.2024, 3393 Zeichen

Vienna (OTS) – TEDx (Technology, Entertainment, Design) brings a global format to inspiring discussions for new ideas around the world; heute (Sonntag) zum 7. Mal auch an die TU Wien. Rund 400 Gäste erlebten im Kuppelsaal under the title “Up or Out? – Society at the crossroads » zwölf Speakerinnen und Speaker et 2wei Performances.

Session 1 includes four discussions on “Personal Actions for Global Impact.” Ursula Plassnik participates in the launch of the public work of “Merciless Constructivity” – (“gnadenloser Konstruktivität”) with the following development principle: “A positive conception of a personal and constructive project tackles the frustrating negative energy and frees her. you can also add it. I found solutions for people or for classes – twice as practical for solving problems! Kindergarten, an online platform for children’s education and training services with “community kitchen”. We covered William Richard Acres in “What to Do with All That Plastic” and Elena Stelzig with “From Me to All of Us: The Power of Collective Action” before the auf break.

In the 2nd session “Navigating between curiosity and adventure” was inspired by your discussions Thomas Steirer “What does software quality mean in the age of AI? », Teodora Zivkovic “Human dimensions of innovation: curiosity, creativity and courage”, René Baranyi “The future of rehabilitation with gaming technology (serious and AI)” and Costin Busioc mit seinem Talk on “Why travel is the worst passion one can have.

Den Abschluss machten mit “Catalysts of Change vier weitere Talks – including Lara Lammer “Building a sustainable future starts with practical co-creation”, Eugenijus Kaniusas “The electric pill to treat chronic illnesses”, University Professor Ivona Brandić ” How Digital Twins Are Shaping a Sustainable Future” and David Lederman “The Key to Unlocking True Achievement”. Singer-songwriter Hayden Arp and Elena Schäfer and Antonia Stabinger (“Clit/Doris”) created their performances. Viktor Szücs fled by tag.

Hinter TEDxTUWien steht (ehrenamtlich) a fun-loving team among the organizers Fabian Holly and Reinhard Grabler, under the leadership of a free family. The main partner of Wiener Stadtwerke is a long-standing partner in the area of ​​operation and activities in the storeroom and in the party hall, together with the long-standing partner EFS Consulting, the Austrian sales agency ABA, the Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, the TU Wien Space Team and TU Wien Racing. Team, IAESTE, MENSA Österreich, die Bildungsinitiative Teach For Austria and Bildungsinnovationsdialog. Kiss the Cook is an assortment for Catering, the monkey house for video production. Motel One, Red Bull, Coca-Cola and Kellys support the event organizers.

In the common Monats the talks will take place
abrufbar sein. More information here
(Videos) and on the website
abrufbar. Aktuelle Bilder vom Event can be found in this gallery

verfügbar (Photo: Moritz Mairinger/TEDxTUWien).

Save the Date: 8. TEDxTUWien is November 23, 2025.

BSN Podcasts

Christian Drastil: Wiener Börse Plausch

Börsepeople im Podcast S16/02: Yvonne de Bark

Action on the radar:Pierer Mobility, Warimpex, Semperit, Austriacard Holdings AG, Addiko Bank, Real estate financing, Verbund, VIG, CA Immo, Vienna Airport, Unique, AT&S, Clean energy, Kostad, Porr, Wolford, Oberbank AG Stamm, UBM, DO&CO, Agrana, Amag, Erste Group, EVN, OMV, Palfinger, Austrian Post, S Immo, Telecom Austria, Wienerberg, Zalando, SAP.

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