
chi è e qual è la sua vera story

chi è e qual è la sua vera story

A screen of the new ‘Superman’ trailer and photos of James Gunn and Ozu were captured on Instagram

With the debut of the trailer for the new film Superman direto by James Gunn, out at the cinema July 10, 2025I’m a fan of the DC Comics universe, so I can also dare to give a first look at the refrain of a character who is as loving as he is unusual: CryptoSuperman’s super cane.

Originally I thought of a one-appearance character, Crypto if perhaps it is a huge success for fans of the fumetti, who launched in time as a “superhero”, or even in the cinema. Ma chi è davvero questo amico a four zampe? And is that your interpretation in the new film directed by Gunn? Scopriamolo insieme.

The story of Krypto: an unusual super-rod

Krypto debuts in the world of smokes in 1955on the page of Adventure Comics #210. Created by Otto Binder e Curt Swanis a cane from the Krypton scene, appunto, owner like Superman. In his origin story, Krypto was the cane of Superman’s genius family, guest in the spazio to test the razor which subsequently saved young Kal-El. Dopo aver vagato per anne l’universo, Krypto arrives infine on the Terra, dove si riunisce al suo (super)umano, diventato a que point noto come Superman.

Unlike other famous dogs in pop culture, Krypto does not belong to a specific breed: he is always represented as a generic white méticciosymbol of a man on the fourth day, it is a universal man. I have potteries, very similar to Superman’s, including flight, super strength, invulnerability and a thermal view this individual has a qualsiasi “terrestrial” cane.

Regardless of your extraordinary ability, Krypto naturally retains everything young and affectionate nature di ogni cane, renderendolo un personaggio amato sia grand que dai più piccoli.

James Gunn’s Krypto: sucked into Ozu, a rod saved from difficult conditions

For his new film, James Gunn if it is inspired by the truth cane Ozuadopted in 2022. When registering on Instagram, Ozu (which is in homage to the namesake and Japanese celebrity) is able to save an extreme condition accumulation of animalsdove viveva stipato con decine di altri cani, senza almost alcun contacto umano ed era a due ore dall’essere abbattuto. When Ozu arrived at Gunn’s house, he was very understanding, shy and conspicuous distracting behaviors.

“Has almost destroyed the house, the scarpe, my furniture – it has been stored on my laptop,” Gunn said. C’è voluto tempo, pazienza e affetto per conquer Ozu’s trust. “All’inizio non ci permisteva nemmeno di toccarloma ora sta molto meglio,” he declared.

This non-solo experience he changed Ozu’s lifebut I also inspired the characterization of Krypto in the film, which is naturally white as tradition, but I have a pelo plus riccio and ispido del solitoproprio come quello di Ozu.

Adopting a cane is a true act of super-eroticism

The beautiful story of Ozu and Gunn – da semper grand lover of animals – below, I don’t know if I want or have super strength for the computer “eroiche” gesture. It is also time to help dogs and associations and adopt dogs from shelters, a gesture that can allow you to change quickly, for the animals you have. I love new company umani. As Krypto protects Superman and the world of the DC Universe, a cane adopted and rescued from harsh conditions can bring joy, love and make life decidedly richer di chiunque.

In a world where more and more shelters and dogs are abandoning dogs and close to a second possibilityto adopt a consapevole manner is not alone an attribute of generosity, but a real and clean gesture of the superhero. Everyone, if you think of buying or treating a rod, occorre farlo in maniera Davvero Consapevole. Ecco Quindi each consiglio is how important it is know the etologyin relation to the behavior of the species, and to the extent that Fido’s life serially transforms into a more beautiful experience of life.