
Some facts about Winston Churchill

Some facts about Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill with Queen Elizabeth II. (center/point)

imago/SuperStock / Photographer Unknown

SpotOn NewsSpotOn News | 30.11.2024, 09:47 hours

For 90 years, Winston Churchill has lived an invincible life that is a prodigy. Here are more facts about the Staatsmann, which lasted for 150 years in the world and made the suit machte.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) became one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century and one of Britain’s greatest Prime Ministers. The Staatsmann, the Großbritannien durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg führte, glänzte allerdings noch auf anderen Gebieten. This is a fact about Winston Churchill, on November 30, 1874 – also for 150 years – the Light of the world appeared.