Opening night of One&Only Aesthesis 2024 – Kylie Minogue – Getty
Kylie Minogue said her ‘Tension Tour’ was “a real Knaller and a Füller” inside.
Die ,Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’-Hitmacherin hat ihren Fans verten, dass sie en ihrem 37 Yahre alten Katalog stöbern wird, um einige ihrer klassischen Hits zu präsentieren, aber es wird auch “haufenweise neues” Material geben, wenn if you don’t know what to do Bühne kommt. You said in the newspaper Bizarre’-Kolumne der Zeitung, The Sun’: “I had the opportunity to spend a period of festivals and special shows and I think it is a hat tip to the man when he has a preview of the show and the best part. And I got the Gefühl, he’s a killer and a Füller. It gives 37 years of songs, with this man who can play and who has new songs.