
These electric vehicles are at your service for the climate

These electric vehicles are at your service for the climate

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Is Welche Stromer best for the climate? A new study is present among the Top Models. Das Ergebnis sorgt jedoch für einige Zweifel.

Electric devices are part of the current debate on one-off mobility in a central center. Dennoch is an old myth that revolves around this theme. A high-end adjustment system is that of electric vehicles aufgrund de hohen CO₂-Ausstoßes beihrer Herstellung schlechter für das Climate seien als Fahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotor. Allerdings glicht das Electroauto diesen Ausstoß schnell aus. If you choose the Fragrance, welches Modell am climate-freundlichsten ist.

A Studies of Australian competitive sports Compare the market hat sich dieser Frage angenommen. You will find 25 models according to the main studies: Green NCAP score, ambitious energy efficiency, battery size and battery type.

BYD Dolphin Studies for Electric Car Enthusiasts Worldwide

Laut Studie is the BYD Dolphin, a universal electric automobile specialist. With a score of 98 Green NCAP points and an energy efficiency of 15.2 kWh/100 km compared to the model by its own efficiency. The 46 kWh LFP battery is free, based on Kobalt and Nickel, and has been designed to meet the needs of studies. NCM-Battery werden aufgrund ihres Kobalt- und Nickelgehalts als umstrittener angelesehen. There are 10 LFP batteries with a lithium-ion battery (with nickel-manganese-kobalt or nickel-kobalt-aluminum-kathoden) with 5 values. Golden Zudem: I kleiner der Akku, desto besser für die Umwelt, weniger Resourcen genutzt werden.

These electric vehicles are at your service for the climate
In Puncto Umweltfreundlichkeit liegt der BYD laut, compare the market at the moment. © BYD

This Tesla Model 3 Belegt den zweiten Platz. With an energy consumption of 13.2 kWh/100 km, it is the most efficient study model. There is also an LFP battery with a capacity of 60 kWh. THE Spring Dacia This is the reserved seat with a Green NCAP score of 99 percent and a fuel efficiency of 14.1 kWh/100 km. Seine 26 kWh Lithium-Ionen-Battery is not conventional, well-used.

Studie steht in der Kritik: Teufel liegt im Details

Die Ergebnisse der Studie von Compare the market sollten jedoch mit Vorsicht betrachtet werden. How Anmerkt, geht die Studie nicht immer tief ins Detail. So this is a complete example of the description of electric vehicle professionals. A detailed description of the production process is not relevant information. The Portal also allows us to share the Stromversorgung in China neither umweltfreundlich nor nachhaltig ist. Also it was not the Nutzungsdauer mit dem Auto passiert, ist wichtig.

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The GreenNCAP is not as reliable as the one I know. There are indications of the energy efficiency and greenhouse gas index that are found in the current environment. There is an overview of Energiemix, alternating current generation, which is a comprehensive response to the global environment of a transport vehicle.