
Trump has control over Greenland as an ad for ‘national security’

Trump has control over Greenland as an ad for ‘national security’

US President-elect Donald Trump has become America’s Greenland. “I’m interested in national security and freedom in the world like in the United States, in the analysis, in the situation and in the control of Greenland, it’s an absolute thought like,” Trump told the subject of his online platform Truth Social.

In the Post auf Truth Social, Trump has a new Botschafter for Denmark: Ken Howery, the director of the American payment services Paypal and the Botschafter in Sweden, made Trump the old days.

Trump wants Greenland to be free of charge

In Denmark, the world’s largest political region is causing the same reaction. Bereits während seiner ersten Amtszeit hatte Trump vorgeschlagen, Grönland zu kaufen. The response to Denmark’s war soldiers: Nein, danke.

Grönland mit seinen rund 56,000 Einwohnern ist weitgehend autonomous. Across the Arctic, in the vicinity of Russia, law enforcement is working to understand one of the U.S. military’s non-island strengths for U.S. strategy.

Interest in Panama-Kanal

Within an agency of the Arizona Bundesstaat, Trump is at the head of his party and control of the Panama Canal is assured. The canal speaks the Atlantic with the Pazifik and is one of the smartest transport routes in the world. Anfang des 20. Yearhunderts führten die USA den Bau des Großprojekts aus – iles custodidos de auch jahrzehntelang das Gebiet. Then the controller was written to Panama.