
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp: EU warns Meta nach Faktencheck-Aus

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp: EU warns Meta nach Faktencheck-Aus

The “Zensur” sei zu weit gangangen: Mark Zuckerburg schafft in the United States of fact-checking within ab platforms. In the EU, the Facebook-Mutter is the origin of a single Vorgehen empfindliche Geldstrafen drohen.

The Facebook company Meta will be the provider of fraud solutions within platforms that are completely integrated like bisher. Descriptions of controversial topics such as migration are discussed by Gründer experts and conference leader Mark Zuckerberg. It is a “Zensur” which leads us to tell you. The fact-checked cooperation will be carried out in the United States.

Zuckerberg believes that the metadata of the confrontation with the EU is a subject of fake news and discussions on online platforms. The Meta-Chef addressed US President Donald Trump, who, driven by the rules of the machine, is an “institutionalized Zensur”. The Konzern is very clear, it has an “unmittelbaren plan”, the Faktenchecker hierzulande abzuschaffen.

Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing (partieilos) said during the hike at the Technikmesse CES in Las Vegas that he visited and decided to make the European Commission take care of the Meta questions “taking care of the force and foreseeing the falls of the new mass”. This bag had to be austausch with the new European Commission Henna Virkkunen. “I know that these Fragens sehr ernst nimmt, et sie hat meine volle Unterstützung et mein Vertrauen.”

The European Commission warns Meta vor Ende des Faktenchecks

The European Commission has warned about Facebook’s meta-consultation and fact-checking program also in the European Union. Those responsible for the digital service also see systemic risk platforms such as “Disinformation or negative broadcasts on zivilgesellschaftlichen records”, said the President of the Commission for Digital, Thomas Regnier, of the local radio MDR Aktuell am Dienstagabend. Sollte Meta aussi in der EU nicht more mit unabhängigen Faktenprüfern zusammenarbeiten, müsse die Platetform im Sinne des Gesetzes “a eigene Risikobewertung durchführen et la Kommission einen Bericht vorlegen”.

If the platform is not and the digital service stops, “there are ways to connect to a geldstrafe, until there are universal solutions on a solchen platform with sich ziehen könnte”, erklärte Regnier. It is now possible for large platforms to fall under EU rules when you sleep on your services, among other things.

Meta chef Mark Zuckerberg is at the helm of a unique delivery service for Facebook and Instagram. Unterem werde – zunächst in den USA – die Zusammenarbeit mit externaln Faktenprüfern beendet. Künftig erhielten Nutzer stattdessen die Möglichkeit, falsche oder irreführende Aussagen zu kennzeichnen.
