
The government makes it compulsory to consult public opinion before preparing project proposals

The government makes it compulsory to consult public opinion before preparing project proposals

The caretaker government issued a circular demanding that all proposals for development projects must henceforth be prepared taking into account public opinion.

This circular was sent to all ministries and divisions on Wednesday October 30 – as part of a significant shift towards a more participatory approach to governance, where citizens’ voices are directly integrated into decision-making processes.

This issue will be included in the June 2022 circular, issued by the Ministry of Planning, specifying the procedures for the preparation, processing, approval and review of public sector development projects.

The 2022 circular, called the “Green Book” in the public investment management guidelines, prescribes the procedures for managing development projects and programs and all officials are required to follow it.

Wednesday’s circular said that before preparing a project proposal, relevant ministries and departments must publish project information on their websites and allow two weeks for the public to provide feedback. These comments must be collected before sending the project proposal to the planning commission for approval.

This is the first time that public opinion has been solicited for the formulation of development projects. However, this development aligns with global trends towards more participatory governance and sustainable development.

To facilitate the formulation of opinions, other important information as well as initial project or program information – such as feasibility studies, project context, justification, project area, potential financial and economic outcomes , environmental and social impacts, risk identification and mitigation plans. and, where applicable, a section containing green and climate resilient indicators – should be made available on the website.

On this, a senior official of the Planning Commission said that to get the opinions of residents of a project area, officials should visit the spot and collect their opinions. “Because people who use LGED routes may not be able to provide feedback through the ministry or department website.

“In such cases, the concerned department should hold meetings with the people of the project area before undertaking a project. Simultaneously, it should also meet the district deputy commissioner, local politicians and businessmen .”