
3D printing software is available in offline version

3D printing software is available in offline version

3D printing software Aibuild Steht ab soft as eigenständige Desktop-Anwendung zur Verfügung. This new version is specially designed for security and environmental related items, in the context of an Internet connection containing a summary or an unexpected response. With Aibuild Desktop, you can take your workflows offline, without compromising on functionality.

The desktop version is easily accessible, a local database, machines, materials and constructions are available. This database also serves as a basis for the automated design of work tools for multi-axis systems. All information can be viewed in advance and is also available without an Internet connection.

A core feature of Aibuild Desktop is seamless integration into top workflows. Unternehmen, die Wert auf Datatensicherheit legen, profitieren von der Möglichkeit, sensitive Informationen innerhalb ihrer eigenen Infrastruktur zu halten. Dadurch eignet sich die Software ideal for Branchen wie Luft- and Raumfahrt, Verteidigung or die Medizintechnik, in denen Datachutz and Sicherheitsanforderungen besonders hoch sind.

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