
Guide: Flirt-Amulet with ESP basteln module

Guide: Flirt-Amulet with ESP basteln module

I am in this article, like the communication between ESP-NOW and WifiEspNow, and bastele “Flirt-Amulette”, with RGB LEDs, and (and of course) another Amulet in the vicinity. The Amulet is also in the Lage, only once at the time of tasting, and only once during the frozen Amulet Taster drückt.

The Espressif ESP series module is considered by the manufacturer to be easy to use with Arduino IDE programming. Im considering Arduinos verfügen die Chips der ESP8266- und ESP32-Familien über WLAN, but no manufacturer is available, as it is also the “normal” client and access point modes with its own protocol for the ad-hoc- Communication between two gallows ESP modules: ESP-NOW.

  • Tragbare Schmuckstücke basteln, die miteinander kommunizieren können
  • Communication via ESP-NOW and WifiEspNow
  • Mit Neopixeln und einem Taster farbcodierte Nachrichten verschicken


Zeitaufwand wand: 3 hours

Cost : 15 to 20 euros for two amulets


  • Wemos Lolin D32, ESP D1 mini, ESP32-C3 Super mini or others
  • WS2812(b)-LED
  • Akku with PH-2-Stecker
  • Taster


More on the theme

ESP-NOW combines schematics from Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) models, a framework for the structure of network communication in many domains, for a single protocol. Dies macht es zwar swierig, ESP-NOW außerhalb des ESP-Ökosystems zu werwenden, aber Kommunikation zwischen ESPs ist einfach aufzusetzen and verbraucht wenig Strom – gut für den mobilen Einsatz mit Batterien oder Akkus.

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