
Austria’s largest women’s empowerment festival was created for Mal in Linz!

Austria’s largest women’s empowerment festival was created for Mal in Linz!

pts20241125009 Bildung/Karriere, Unternehmen/Wirtschaft

Linz (pts009/25.11.2024/10:00)

On November 22, 2024, it amounts to more than 1,200 people: at the Brucknerhaus Linz, for the empowerment of women. With more than 50 inspiring speakers: in the Bühnen region setzte “LET’S BE VISIBLE” in a creative time for security, Austria and the environment. A festival was created, vernetzt and new perspectives eröffnet.

From 3. LET’S BE VISIBLE so that we can have all the following themes: Inspiration, Bewusstseinsbildung, Motivation and Empowerment for Frauen im Berufsleben. There are also interesting Keynotes, practical Workshops and Discussions run with Persönlichkeiten and Experts: in the Wirtschaft and Politik and spanning Netzwerk-Ambiente.

“I am totally begotten, like the old women of our Angebot zur Weiterbildung und Vernetzung annehmen – 1.200 Teilnehmer:innen, das ist einfach unglaublich! Wir sind damit zum grand Female Empowerment Festival Österreichs gewachsen und freuen uns, von Oberösterreich aus dieses starke Zeichen für Sichtbarkeit und Gemeinschaft zu setzen”, chief initiator, speaker and keynote speaker Carolin Anne Schiebel.

Inspiring personal ideas

Über 50 Expert:innen et beeindruckende Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft et Politik sprachen et discussierten über bewegende Themes rund um Frauen im Berufsleben, Gesundheit, Diversität, Arbeitsmarkt, Fairness et natürlich Sichtbarkeit.

“I am my friend, I am so strong in matters of personality, of Female Empowerment and of Gleichstellung ein großes Anliegen sind, for das Festival gewinnen konnte. Das Programm war so bent wie die Menschen auf et abseits der Festivalbühnen”, so Carolin Anne Schiebel.

With dabei waren teachers and influencer Karin Teigl alias Constantly K, coaching specialist Nina Hartmann, voestalpine AG advisor Carola Richter, wakeboard professional and instructor Daniel Fetz and fitness trainer Daniel Fetz and the Oberösterreichische Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin and the Frauenlandesrätin Christine Haberlander.

Wissen zum Mitnehmen

Insgesamt über 30 Programmpunkten konnten sich die Tilnehmer:innen Wissen über spannende berufliche Themes and Zukunftsthemen aneignen. There are three sponsors of the main sponsors: Alexandra Rochelt, Director of Marketing & Communication of the Sparkasse Oberösterreich, Petra Gruber, General Manager of Ressort Marketing & Einkauf DM and Vanessa Böttcher-Hofmann, Economic Developer of the City of Linz and the Foundation of the Festivals of the Environment, Gleichstellung und (finanzielle) Unabhängigkeit von Frauen.

“The Female Empowerment Festival ‘LET’S GET VISIBLE’ is a platform for image, motivation, inspiration and encouragement for women – and also for men. This female empowerment festival is part in the perspective of orientation work. Hauptsponsorin sehr gerne”, for example Alexandra Rochelt.

Main presentations

Guest comments were delivered by hostess Caroline Anne Schiebel’s keynote on the theme “Women around the world – Mutig in Richtung Gleichstellung” and Carolin Anne Schiebel chose universal services, with women around the world facing challenges borders. This opening speech is addressed to the councils of school leaders and women’s councils in advance and to the public, acting for the organization of a unique business creation project.

Anschließend begeisterte unternehmerin und Influencerin Karin Teigl mit ihrer Keynote zum Thema “Personal Branding”. Sie concrete die Kraft von Authentizität, Individualität et Mut und ermutigte Frauen, sich gegenseitig zu anterstützen et zu stärken. Daraufhin also inspired the advice of Gerti Schatzdorfer, instructor and podcaster, Ingeborg Rauchberger, Juristin, Verhandlungstrainerin and Autorin and Daniel Fetz, Wakeboard-Pro & Instructor and Atemfitnesstrainer.

Interesting panels and workshops

Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin Christine Haberlander spoke with Susanne Winkelhofer, Herausgeberin und Chefredakteurin des Wirtschafts- und Lifestylemagazins Die Macher, Petra Gruber, Geschäftsleitung Marketing & Einkauf DM, and Andreas Lovric, Innovationsmanagement Liwest, über die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.

“The LET’S GET VISIBLE festival is a great art for women, their ideas are addressed to them, they are fashionable and new inspirations for their women and their people find them. Solche Veranstaltungen stärken Frauen, your Talente selbstbewusst einzusetzen und New Chancen zu ergreifen. old commitment this wichtige Plattform geschaffen haben”, between Frauenlandesrätin and Mag.a Christine Haberlander.

In each workshop, the workshops are interactive and published on themes, technologies, hobbies and meditation. In our current projects, we are looking at topics like hormones and their management, prioritization and agile leadership.

Under the moderation of those responsible for diversity management, Caroline Anne Schiebel, Katharina Anna Ecker and Charity Putz developed the theme of the association of families and business leaders, diversity management, management of services of network, medical service providers, winning companies, KI and business management experts: within vielen österreichischen Unternehmen diskutiert. The Krönenden Abschluss des Festivals presents the Kabarettistin and Schauspielerin Nina Hartmann with her Kabarett.

The next LET’S GET VISIBLE is scheduled for November 21. Early bird tickets are perfect!

About Caroline Anne Schiebel
As part of the LET’S GET VISIBLE festival, there are Carolin Anne Schiebel, Gründerin, Keynote-Speakerin and Visionärin. Now we’ll see you in the Fotografie hat die studierte Wirtschaftspädagogin ihr Business während the Pandemic new ausgerichtet. and start workshops like “Photographs with Practical Social Media Tools” and an “Instagram Workshop”. The workshops organize business brunches and prepare the LET’S VISIBLE festival. Starring Carolin Anne Schiebel as keynote speaker on women’s empowerment in Austria and Germany. Their keynotes on topics such as empowerment, education, insights and ideas as well as self-empowerment are taught in German and also in English for events and presenters.

LET’S BE VISIBLE is a jährliches festival, das Frauen in der Wirtschaft a training platform, which allows them to discover, to learn to read and to be inspired. Carolin Anne Schiebel organized a festival at one point, workshops and discussions, for women to discover and participate in studies.

Images for free writing can be found in the application and under this link: (Credit: Carolin Anne Schiebel)

Press instructions and contact details:
Mag. Katharina Anna Ecker
Public relations and communications.
Such. : +43 650 46 75 184
E-Mail: [email protected]

Contact :
Caroline Anne Schiebel
Telephone: +43 660 21 05 006
Email: [email protected]