
Apple Update Policy: No Devices Using iOS and iPadOS 19

Apple Update Policy: No Devices Using iOS and iPadOS 19

Apple Update Policy: No Devices Using iOS and iPadOS 19

An available list is available from Apple 2025 with iOS and iPadOS 19 update available. More information here.

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Apple I will be in the coming months with new operating systems iOS 19 and iPadOS 19 for iPhone and iPad available. The information does not correspond to the current time and is not supported by updates.

As “iPhoneSoft“berichtet, werden all iPhones, die actuell iOS 18 versions, and iOS 19 is available. For iPads, see the age you chose. An anonymous source within the company itself gives you another aufgrund von Hardwareeinschränkungen model which is not better understood. So we believe that an A12 chip is available to install iPadOS 19 at your disposal.

Enhanced iPads: This update is not available for details

Only one version of the iPad Air 5 will be updated to iOS 19 ausgeschlossen.

Only one version of the iPad Air 5 will be updated to iOS 19 ausgeschlossen. CHIP

Laut “iPhoneSoft” offers the use of the first generation iPad from 2019 and the second generation iPad Pro from 2017, on the A10 bzw. The A10X chip is based and not working properly. Our new models like iPad mini (5. Generation or new), iPad (8. Generation or new), iPad Air (3. Generation or new) and iPad Pro (3. Generation or new) have been updated.

Although some specific functions of the new management systems are available, they are well known. The options offered by iPhoneSoft are the updates available when using iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, which are also available for initial setup. It looks like Apple will be at the forefront of new releases at WWDC in June 2025, with new features showcased by Apple Intelligence.