
“Stuart’s selection will be a boost for the energy sector” | Local business

“Stuart’s selection will be a boost for the energy sector” | Local business

PRESIDENT of the Tobago branch of the T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Curtis Williams, believes the selection of Energy Minister Stuart Young to succeed Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley could stabilize and strengthen the investor confidence in the country’s oil and gas sector.

However, Williams said Young’s ability to expand that impact beyond the energy sector will be key.

On Monday, following a two-day People’s National Movement parliamentary retreat at a private villa at Tobago Plantations in the Lowlands, Rowley announced that Young had emerged as the choice to replace him before the end of March 2025, when which he will leave office.

Curtis Williams

“STRATEGIC MOVE”: President of the Tobago Branch of the T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Curtis Williams.

In response to questions about it, Williams said Young’s selection “signifies a strategic decision by the party to prioritize continuity and expertise in critical sectors, particularly energy.”

“Young has been Prime Minister before and he has demonstrated a certain level of inclusiveness with the business community. His appointment could be seen as a calculated move aimed at maintaining stability and boosting investor confidence in the country’s energy sector,” Williams said.

Williams also believes that with his extensive experience in the energy sector, particularly with global energy giants, Young is well placed to drive business growth in the T&T sector. “However, its ability to expand this project beyond the energy sector will be crucial,” Williams said.

“Success will depend on implementing policies that diversify the economy, improve the ease of doing business and eliminate bureaucratic bottlenecks. If he surrounds himself with a competent team and actively engages with the local and international business communities, there is potential for positive impact,” he said.

Although Williams believes Young will be successful in growing local businesses, he expects him to maintain his leadership in the energy sector to build on existing gains.

Abraham Ali

“t&t is not in a better position”: San Juan Business Association President Abrahim Ali.

He said Young will also need to introduce concrete measures to reduce dependence on energy reserves, improve governance through transparency and accountability, demonstrate strong leadership and foster greater stakeholder engagement.

This, he said, involves building relationships with key business stakeholders, international partners, civil society and the Tobago Assembly to align development goals.

Improving the lives of citizens

quality of life

Under Young’s leadership, Williams hopes for investments in public infrastructure that will support business growth, improve citizens’ quality of life, and streamline government services to increase efficiency and reduce corruption, in addition to promoting economic diversification and relationship building.

When asked if he thought Young would be successful in his potential role, Williams responded, “Young’s success in this potential role will depend on:

• build trust – gain the trust of the public and key stakeholders by delivering on promises and maintaining transparency;

• a strong team – surrounding yourself with a team of experienced and innovative policy makers; And

• Strategic Vision: Articulate a clear and achievable vision for the future of T&T, focusing on economic growth and social development with Tobago at the forefront.

Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce president Deoraj Mahase said Young’s selection reflects the PNM’s mature approach to succession planning. In a WhatsApp exchange with Express, he said: “The Prime Minister has already indicated several times his intention to resign. His colleagues’ choice of Young demonstrates a mature approach to succession planning in government and this approach will bode well as they move forward.

Like Williams, Mahase believes Young will successfully grow T&T’s business sector, given his extensive experience in various ministries, including Energy. “His role and experience at the international level can enhance business development in the transport and transportation sector,” Mahase said.

Mahase added that he expects Young to understand the needs of people with T&T and work on measures to solve their problems.

He urged Young to “ensure that changes are brought to various sectors in the country, including legislative, process, technological and a more modern approach, to ensure growth and development everywhere.”

Mahase added that he hopes to see a drop in crime by using crime-fighting systems and technologies. He also suggested that assistance to security services should also be taken into consideration.

He added: “I also expect an increase in gas production to enable much-needed growth in this sector and in oil production. »

Mahase called for the foreign exchange issue to be addressed under Young’s leadership. He also highlighted the need for further improvement and growth in the manufacturing sector as this can improve the export market and help alleviate foreign exchange problems.

“The country needs

to move forward’

He added: “Further implementation of measures and support to the agricultural sector is needed not only to improve food production, but also to support farmers for their products, both locally and internationally. »

He also hopes to see improvements in the health sector and roads as well as expansion of the maritime sector.

Mahase suggested: “I hope he will review and make changes in the education system and revise the outdated legislation where applicable and amend it as soon as possible to meet modern standards. »

He believed Young would succeed by partnering with colleagues in government and opposition, as well as various local entities, including chambers of commerce of all sizes. Additionally, Mahase saw value in collaborating with groups in sectors such as manufacturing, banking, crime consulting, technology, family and social development, agriculture, logistics, transportation, as well as wholesale and retail.

“The country must continue to move forward, and for that, everyone is needed; an inclusive approach can work well and add value to the future development of the country and its citizens,” Mahase said.

The T&T Manufacturers Association (TTMA) has affirmed its commitment to working with whoever is constitutionally elected or appointed to lead.

The TTMA said in response to the Express: “We will continue to do so as a key player in the growth, development and diversification of our economy. We wish Minister Stuart R Young, SC well in this important leadership role as he assumes the role of Prime Minister in the near future.

The T&T Service Industries Coalition (TTCSI) also looks forward to working with the government under Young’s leadership.

In a press release yesterday, TTCSI President Dianne Joseph said: “I would like to thank our government for making every effort to ensure continuity and for the rapid appointment of a Prime Minister-in-waiting in the role. person of Young as Dr. Rowley’s successor. . Therefore, in this regard, I am pleased to particularly congratulate Young on his selection as Prime Minister-in-waiting. As the national umbrella organization for the services sector, TTCSI looks forward to continuing its collaboration with our government under Young’s leadership and with all stakeholders as we together seek to further elevate the services sector and Trinidad and -Tobago from every point of view.

She also congratulated Prime Minister Keith Rowley on his intention to resign from office after 45 years of service to T&T and wished him well in his future endeavours.

San Juan Business Association President Abrahim Ali had a different view on this succession plan, as he said he did not think the country would be in a better position following this announcement.

In a WhatsApp response to the Express, he pointed out: “The economy is in shambles and the business sector has lost confidence in the government. The roads are in deplorable condition and require immediate attention. All these questions weigh on the heads of citizens while we hear about all these shenanigans. I don’t think the country is in a better position with the announcement of Young as Prime Minister. The country really needs an experienced leader.”