
Nintendo Switch system update fixes GameCube controller issue, software downloads and more

Nintendo Switch system update fixes GameCube controller issue, software downloads and more

A new update is now available on Nintendo Switch, bringing the console to version 19.0.1. Over the past few years, the vast majority of system updates have focused on stability improvements, and fans can expect that with this new update as well. However, this one also fixes a few notable issues, including an issue with GameCube controllers. Apparently some users were experiencing issues with the GameCube controller adapter not being recognized, as well as the controllers themselves. Full Nintendo Patch Notes official website can be found below.

Worm. 19.0.1 (Released October 29, 2024)

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  • Fixed an issue with the Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter and Nintendo GameCube Controller(s) not being recognized.
  • Fixed an issue where some network processes, such as downloading software, did not work as expected in sleep mode.
  • General system stability improvements to improve user experience.

It’s still hard to say how common these issues are and how many users will actually notice an impact from these updates. That being said, I personally encountered an issue with the software not downloading when the system was in sleep mode, so it’s nice to see this particular issue resolved. Given how long some game updates can take, it’s fortunate that this issue is now resolved. The GameCube controller issue is a bit more niche and probably wouldn’t have been noticed by as many people. However, this could have been irritating for the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate community, given the number of gamers who still regularly use GameCube controllers.

At this point in the Switch’s lifespan, we probably shouldn’t expect any significant changes via future system updates. The reality is that Switch is getting on in years, and a lot of Nintendo’s resources are likely starting to shift to the company’s next platform. While we can expect to see many more updates targeting specific issues, new features are rather unlikely. For example, fans have spent the last seven years asking Nintendo to add various home screen themes, like we saw on 3DS. For some reason, Nintendo simply stuck with the white and dark screen options, largely ignoring these arguments. Considering the large number of themes available for purchase on 3DS, it seems like money was left on the table!

RELATED: All GameCube Games on Nintendo Switch

It’s possible that themed backgrounds will be an option on the successor to Nintendo Switch, which is scheduled for release in 2025. For the moment, Nintendo has remained very tight-lipped about the new platform, confirming only a few small details. We know that the console will be fully revealed sometime before the company’s fiscal year ends in March 2025, and that the console will retain current Nintendo accounts. Details beyond that are pretty slim!

Have you encountered any of these issues on Nintendo Switch? Are there any new features or changes you would like to see on the system? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachampon Bluesky at @Marcdachampor on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!