
Trump is now on TV-Produzenten with Sondergesandten –

Trump is now on TV-Produzenten with Sondergesandten –

Burnett became Trump with “The Apprentice” and became a pollster in Britain. Und der Milliardär Tilman Fertitta steigt zum Botschafter en Italian auf.

US President-elect Donald Trump produced the TV show “The Apprentice” for polling purposes for Britain. Mark Burnett became one of the diplomatic advisors and worked on “the organization of trade, investment and culture” and spoke to Trump about Samstag within the Kurznachrichtendienst Truth Social.

The 64-year-old Brite Burnett became Trump with “The Apprentice” and the war like Schöpfer or the producer under another “Survivor” and “Shark Tank” became. Zudem war is the supplier of MGM Worldwide Television Group.

Trump has appointed tradesman Warren Stephens to head US-Botschafter in Great Britain. Botschafter in Italian wird unter Trump der Milliardär Tilman Fertitta. This is the main agent of the Basketballmannschaft Houston Rockets and eines Gastronomie- und Glücksspielunternehmens. Fertitta, a 67-year-old Texan, is a supplier and advisor to Landry’s, an employer that supplies many local restaurants, hotels and casinos. Trump launched Fertitta on his Truth Social platform as “greichen geschäftsmann” and philanthropists. (APA/Reuters)

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