
Opinion | How to lose the planet: the truth behind the denial of climate change

Opinion | How to lose the planet: the truth behind the denial of climate change

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The ephemeral violence induced by climate -related policies in the world South is largely out of words in discussion platforms. What fascinates and energizes the institutionalization of denialism remains the spectacular notion of the rise

The Northern worldwide does not undergo the same level of loss and violence due to calamities triggered by climate change, as in the world South. (Image for representation: AFP)

The Northern worldwide does not undergo the same level of loss and violence due to calamities triggered by climate change, as in the world South. (Image for representation: AFP)

In 2019, more than 11,000 scientists signed a declaration of the “catastrophic threat” posed by climate change. The statistics of the climate disaster also reveal that “2024 was warmer 0.72 ° C than the average 1991-2020 and 1.60 ° C than the average of 1991-2020 and 1.60 ° C pre-industrial level, this which makes it the first calendar year to exceed 1.5 ° C above this level “. It also exposes hypocrisy on the world, largely responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.

It does not take much to understand that natural disasters do not discriminate between human economies or national borders; However, when the calamities triggered by climate change are observed through the objective of recovery, it becomes palpable that the Northern worldwide, which enjoys rich resources and a much safer environmental ecosystem, does not feel the same level of loss and violence that their counterparts in the world of world. In addition, they recover much faster due to a robust economic system.

No wonder the beatific face of well-being anecdotes remains an integral part of the denialialism ecosystem. Ephemeral violence induced by climate -related policies in the world South is largely out of words in global discussion platforms. What fascinates and energizes the institutionalization of denialism remains the spectacular notion of the rise of profit.

The losses and concomitant violence are diverted to select the geographic regions while profit is internalized by the power regimes, mainly in the Northern world. The anxiety of facts and figures is important insofar as they can contribute to the establishment and the accumulation of such a regime, which is not only racly harmful but also insensitive and brutal.

For example, in a comic strip entitled “Once Upon a Time: A True Story on the Miracle Molecule – Carbon Dioxide”, the idea of ​​a group called CO2 Coalition, the character of Mr. Gordon, a scientist, said To its three neighbors that carbon dioxide emissions have a clear advantage for the earth: “Everything that is green in our very green world owes its existence to carbon dioxide … and each person and each animal … are built from the Co₂ carbon, which we get by eating vegetables and meat. “”

Likewise, mobile advertising strengthens the same degree of denial, announcing boldly: “Good news: the end of the earth as we know is not imminent.”

He continues: “More than 30 years have passed since the start of the environmental movement. They asserted their point of view. There is no longer any need for alarmists …