
PKK – Kundgebung in Cologne – 7000 near Demo für Öcalan – Politik

PKK – Kundgebung in Cologne – 7000 near Demo für Öcalan – Politik

And 7,000 men demonstrated at the police meeting on Saturday in Cologne for the release of Kurdish PKK fighters Abdullah Öcalan in Türkiye. Sowohl der Demozug and the Kundgebung im Stadtteil Deutz seien friedlich verlaufen, agte ein Polizeisprecher. A single view as the largest number of verbotenen symbols is found in the present time. During the demonstration for Öcalan and other inhaftierte people of the PKK-Mitglieder, the “Konföderation der Gemeinschaften Kurdistans in Deutschland eV” (Kon-Med), a Dachverband kurdischer Organizationen in Deutschland, came forward. This is a political commitment within the framework of Turkey and a single free release since the beginning of 1999 in the Turkish language of Öcalan. The PKK is in Germany as a terrorist organization and has been verboten since 1993.