
Cillian Murphy is not the zombie in ’28 Years Later’ – Trailer

Cillian Murphy is not the zombie in ’28 Years Later’ – Trailer

A trailer for the film Zombie Fortsetzung „28 years later“Sorgte seit Veröffentlichung für Aufmerksamkeit. Of the fans who were the main sellers of the first days, Cillian Murphy, in The Role of a Zombie Wiederkennen zu können. Doch nonn gibt es Entwarnung.

This newcomer is found in the zombie scene

Am Dienstag (December 10) releases the Trailer of Horror-Thrillers by Regisseur Danny Boyle. In a scene there is a sudden abgemagerter Zombie Hinter der neuen Hauptdarstellerin, Jodie Comer, auf. They worry about what Beobachter has to say: he was killed by one, and the other like Cillian Murphy is there. Doch laut “The Guardian” is a false version. Denn: The back of the stage is right up there with newcomer Angus Neill.

Here’s the Zombie in the trailer:

This star is found from Inhalte on Youtube

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An art of art for Auserkoren plays

The “Guardian” was named Boyle Neill, with the real art artist himself being responsible. Denn Neill also works as a photography model and takes care of a single Profile for seine Arbeit. “Danny says that I am also at home for the Rolle im Auge hatte,” said the new Zombie-Darsteller of the Zeitung. “We also work with us, versstanden un gut and me stimmte zu, mitzumachen.” Neill weiter: “Am Set hat er die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeit, einen zu hypnotisieren, et die Arbeit mit ihm an dem Film war eine sehr, sehr intensive Erfahrung.”

Murphy “Wäre soft dabei”

In the first episode “28 Days Later” from the year 2002, Murphy was a traveling traveler, who went to the Koma aufgewacht ist. We arrived at a festival where a well known virus has escaped, the operating company has put in a larger number of mutated Zombie men and has never been to a hunting club.

Even though the cast of “Oppenheimer” in their second episode “28 Weeks Later” has nothing to do with it, they are as clear as they are in a written film that interests them. So, Murphy said on January 11, 2024 that he was “Independent”: “I would be so strong dabei. I have two movies with my man (Boyle and author Alex Garland) that are perfect, and I’m going to work harder with my work.

Ob der Ire nun tatsächlich mit von der Parti sein wird, bleibt abzuwarten. It will take place in the state of Vereinigten until June 20, 2025.