
Kid Bookie’s UK tour was canceled, Bar Cardiff and…

Kid Bookie’s UK tour was canceled, Bar Cardiff and…

Children’s bookmaker shared the unhappy news that the majority of the Dead or Alive tour next month had been canceled.

By publishing a clearly disappointed video announcement on Instagram, he explains that despite “working so hard for you for you”, most of March have been abandoned with the exception of Cardiff and London.

“I saw all your messages and I found essentially when you have made the programs canceled,” writes Bookie in the legend. “I hope you can see how tired I am and that I am, that we have worked so hard for you for you … London and Cardiff are always on … But unfortunately, the tour is so expensive that if I do Not a label or investors approve (currently) a budget in time or to be informed of a month of the tour that these budgets we need are not approved, so I am flat on my ass. »»

In his typically honest style, Bookie continues that “the truth is that I take great success recently in this career that I love so much and it’s a bit new to me and I’m not there to be struck in the face and you -Wey and shut up on this subject, I come back stronger than ever, because it will be in my words, sometimes you have to sacrifice comfort for dirt because in dirt is the place where we grow.

“I will start playing with my strengths again, to what brought us here in the first place and most of this priority is music, a playful antagonistic spirit and extremely (reckless) optimism. It is difficult to be open or honest on the things you love, but I am here forever, nothing will change that, people, labels, old friends, broken relationships, false smiles or failures. Nothing. We have to fail a million times to really appreciate these victories and none of this will bother me.

“I can say a lot, this year is a test field, just like the rest of my life. For everyone who does their part to turn this game back on their head, it’s a collective force, let us train together, let’s salute the game, let’s welcome to try. Let’s go. “

Catch the Bookmaker to the following:


27 Cardiff Globe
28 London Lower thirds