
The fastest fast food chain for Finland’s climate is Kotipizza, says Watchdog | Yle News

The fastest fast food chain for Finland’s climate is Kotipizza, says Watchdog | Yle News

The Subway sandwich giant succeeded in the worst in the ranking.

Fast food restaurant Cook in a kitchen assembling a hamburger.

A study by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, revealed that plants from plants based on plants are around 65 to 90% less than their meat -based counterparts. File photo. Image: Petteri Sopanen / Yle

An examination of the friendly practices of fast food companies by the Finnwatch company watchdog has led to the Kotipizza ranking at the top.

The NGO has examined the practices of large fast food chains which have at least 50 points of sale in Finland. He examined business emission reports as well as their programs reduction objectives that affect the climate.

Finnwatch compared seven fast food chains. After the leader, Subway, restaurants ranked in the following order: Burger King (2), Hesburger (3), McDonald’s (4), Rolls (5), Scanburger (6) and Subway (7).

The NGO said it has found major differences in the comparison, the largest companies generally having the clearest objectives linked to the climate. One of the reasons is that international companies generally have infrastructure for such safe efforts – including regular emissions and programs reduction objectives in the future.

According to Finnwatch, the lowest channel was the giant sandwich metro in the United States. Their low ranking was caused by the company which does not respond to the Finnwatch investigation and not to publish adequate information on its climatic efforts, said Watchdog.

“Subway did not answer us at all, and we have received almost no information on his climate work,” said Finnwatch climate expert Lesse Leipola explain.

According to Finnwatch, the classification was based on the climatic efforts of fast food companies and not on the climate footprint of their products. For example, he did not compare the climatic impacts of a sub-Sandwich against a hamburger and fries, nor a pizza.

The fast food chains and the rollers were near the classification. This was due to the deficits that Finnwatch observed in the transparency of companies concerning actions related to the climate, or not to reach such targets. The NGO said that businesses were still at an early stage.

Plant -based options

Finnwatch noted that the types of raw ingredients that fast food companies use play a major role in terms of environmental impacts. He said that meat options have significantly contributed to carbon emissions. At the same time, he said that restaurants offering plant -based meat substitutes help this situation.

A international study (PDF), published by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, noted that plants from plants based on plants are approximately 65 to 90% less than their meat -based counterparts.

All the fast food chains that the NGO has managed to examine offer meat -free alternatives, but it has found differences in the way these options have been promoted to encourage customers to order them.

The watchdog said that Hesburger and Kotipizza were the best to promote food that would help reduce emissions.

Ghost kitchens

Finnwatch has also tried to reach so -called virtual restaurants, also known as ghosts, in order to assess their climatic efforts.

Ghost kitchens are food service companies that only serve customers via delivery and have no customer -oriented operations.

Food delivery services in Finland sell meals in virtual kitchens, but none of the companies behind the kitchens – including a better food group, Munchfam and Spoon Group – has answered Quests from Finnwatch, or provided information on their climate -related activities.

“Their silence raises serious questions as to whether these companies include their responsibilities on climate problems,” said Leipola.

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