
Super Mario Run takes place at the Super Mario Party Jamboree with a Crossover event

Super Mario Run takes place at the Super Mario Party Jamboree with a Crossover event

Zur Feier der Veröffentlichung von Jamboree Super Mario Party hat Super Mario Race The event has just been launched. Players have three new mission types in Angriff: “Regenbogen-Galleria”, “Gumba-Lagune” and “Burg von König Bowser” – the Mario-Party-Statuen jewels and Belohnung bieten.

Jamboree Super Mario Party

This event will take place from January 29 to 29, 2025 and the practical game will be presented again and will be followed by the event. “Mario and Luigi: Bruderschaft” vom November. Represent the Überblick on your Fortschritt by the symbol of the Mission in your United Kingdom and many of them for a party as you have not done.

Auf Welche Exklusiven Belohnungen Freust de la meisten?

Jamboree Super Mario Party