
Why Melania Trump in the White House? Donald Trump gives his opinion on Plan

Why Melania Trump in the White House? Donald Trump gives his opinion on Plan

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I’m in January with Donald Trump in the White House. What do you think of Melania Trump in the injustice of Washington? Das schien bislang unklar.

Washington DC – The ehemalige and the gift of new First Lady Melania Trump hat sich in letzter Zeit größtenteils aus dem Rampenlicht zurückgezogen. Zuletzt machte sie in den Medien auf sich aufmerksam, then please read the Oktoberfest book “Melania” warb. Zudem supports your man’s 54 days with fire protection products.

In an interview with them Time Magazineas Donald Trump For “Person of the Years” 2024, the president-elect will appear in the web pages of Ms. Melania, who will realize that two hours of her time are closer to her White House. Therefore, ganz festlegen wollte er sich aber wohl nicht.

Trump will be President of the United States: Melanias will have a Rückkehr in the White House

Trump says that Melania “when she is active in her life,” without it being the best thing to do, or being in the public order, that she does it. With “Oh yes”, the answer is on the page, from Melania to Washington. Trump attacks his role in the American camp and its leaders, who have reached the end of their activity, as the man in the interviews was able to see. Please note that the allerdings are still undisclosed, but Melania has already been sent to the White House.

Letzten Monat berichtete CNN, The künftige First Lady does not want to come to the White House now. They realized that their Palm Beach, Florida era was Anwesen Mar-a-Lago, and New York City was headed for College’s Sohn Barron Trump.

From Kai to Kimberly - Das ist der Trump-Clan
Melania Trump is not a big fan of the US headquarters in Washington. (Archivbild) © Evan Vucci/AP/dpa

United States: Donald Trump will be the person of 2024

This Time Magazine hat den President Donald Trump has been nominated for 2024 Person of the Month.. “Trumps politische Wiedergeburt ist beispiellos in der amerikanischen Geschichte,” writes the Magazin zur Begründung. “Since 2015, as President of the Council of Ministers, the person of power in politics and administration is very close to that of Trump. »

The temporal editorial was published in 1927 by the Influssreichsten Persönlichkeiten des Weltgeschehens. This is a person who says that “men like the men of the world and the men on the other side of Monate have the greatest power.” In every day of the year there is a new catalog, you can view it in the magazine. “Im Jahr 2024 war is das nicht. » Kurz vor der zweiten Amtszeit des Republikaners lebten – “alle – von seinen fanatischsten Anhängern bis zu seinen schärfsten Kritikern – in Zeitalter von Trump”.

The 78th day of the President’s office announced in November that the Democratic Republic of the Congo Kamala Harris gewonnen. Now it’s time to see – even though it’s over – Wahlsieg 2016 hatte the Time-Magazin Trump schon einmal zur “Person of Jahres” gekürt. (jal/dpa)