
The Quadrantids meteor shower peaks tonight! Don’t miss the first “shooting stars” of 2025

The Quadrantids meteor shower peaks tonight! Don’t miss the first “shooting stars” of 2025

At the start of each January, the Quadrantid meteor stream offers one of the most intense annual meteor shows, with a brief, sharp maximum lasting only a few hours. For this reason, many stargazing guides refer to this display as particularly elusive. However, in 2025, viewing conditions favor North Americans, particularly those living west of the Mississippi.

THE meteors actually radiate from the northeast corner of the constellation Boötes, the Shepherd, so one might expect them to be called the “Boötides”. But by the end of the 18th century, there was a different constellation called Quadrans Muralis, the “wall or mural quadrant” (an astronomical instrument). This is a long-obsolete star pattern, invented in 1795 by JJ Lalande to commemorate the instrument used to observe the stars in its catalog. Adolphe Quetelet of the Brussels Observatory discovered the shower in the 1830s, and soon afterward it was noticed by several astronomers in Europe and America.