
The Attorney General of Michigan requests the closure of the Pipeds Enbridge in the Mackinac Strait

The Attorney General of Michigan requests the closure of the Pipeds Enbridge in the Mackinac Strait

“ Énbridge has deliberately caused years of delay thanks to procedural tactics, trying to prevent the courts of Michigan from deciding on a critical question which has a direct impact on its residents, ‘said Prosecutor General Dana Nessel

Press release
General Department of Michigan
LANSING – Monday, lawyers of the Department of Prosecutor General presented oral arguments before judge James S. Jamo of the County Circuit of Ingham Nessel c. HoarseSeeking to stop line 5 in the Strait of Mackinac, announced the prosecutor general of Michigan, Dana Nessel, in a press release.

The department argued that the 1953 servitude which authorized the location of line 5 in the bass lands of the Mackinac Strait has not been valid since its creation because it violates the doctrine of public confidence and that the presence Pipelines in the Strait violates Michigan Environmental Protection Act and constitutes a public nuisance.

“Enbridge deliberately caused years of delay thanks to procedural tactics, trying to prevent the courts of Michigan from deciding a critical problem which has a direct impact on its residents,” said Nessel.

“Line 5 has long operated in the strait of an invalid servitude, constituting a significant threat to the inhabitants of this state and our environment. After more than five years, I am happy that we finally had the opportunity to present our business on behalf of the inhabitants of Michigan and our Great Lakes before the State Court. »»

J. Jamo was previously agree with the Attorney General Nessel This line 5 was to be temporarily closed after being struck by anchors or similar objects, and the court ordered a temporary closure in the summer of 2020. After Bridge sought to withdraw the case before the Federal Court, the Attorney General Successfully articulated in front of the sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that the case belongs to the State Court of Michigan.

At the end of the hearing, judge Jamo took the case under the opinion and indicated that the court will issue a written opinion.