
Presentation of one of the best zombie films currently: poster and mysterious trailer for “28 Years Later” – Kino News

Presentation of one of the best zombie films currently: poster and mysterious trailer for “28 Years Later” – Kino News

It hasn’t been released for 28 years, since Danny Boyle 2002 with “28 Days Later” a true classic of the genre. With “28 Years Later”, we will have to wait until 2025 for the new Fortsetzung to arrive in cinemas. This is a teaser and a first poster.

A Man from London and Shaving Zombies: “28 Days Later” have not yet had their own development pattern. Cult director Danny Boyle is not in his Horror-Hit amid the horrors of the Infizierten, but it seems that people are completely damaged in an apocalypse never seen before – which makes the Virus-Thriller still a ganzes further in Haut Geht and elsewhere Genre-Vertreter. 2007 and damit fünf Jahre nach dem Original folgte and as no more von Boyle inszenierte Sequel “28 Weeks Later”.

Lange Zeit announced to fans that the revival with “28 Years Later” ended in 2025 – and this strong build-up took place in 2025. Cult filmmaker Danny Boyle is the most talented of film directors – and it’s in a book by Alex Garland, which is also in the original screenplay. This is not a first poster, but also a mysterious teaser (oben eingebunden) of a revealed film – and this one is a kryptic botschaft.

A secret code

Now you don’t have to worry about it. I am inserted in three seconds of the teaser language and have no images presented – for an isolated island and a Schauerliche figure. Untermalt wird der kurze Vorgeschmack auf die Schrecken, die noch folgen werden, von unwohlsein erzeugenden Funkrauschen, wobei un Morsecode zu vernehmen ist. Die Funker*innen unter euch werden sicherlich kein Problem haben, diesen zu entschlüsseln. The Botschaft lautet “Dienstag”. It’s also a way to make sure we have some time for a long trailer.

You can also add other posters to them. Dieses zeigt das altbekannte Biogefährdungssymbol (English Biohazard), das seit jeher mit der Reihe en Verbindung steht. In this case, Fall setzt es sich aus einer Vielzahl roter Totenköpfe zusammen. And in “28 Years Later,” the world also has different words.

The first poster zu

Sony Photos

The first poster for “28 Years Later”

“28 years later”: Darum geht es

After a long period of consideration of the war plot, the casting of Ralph Fiennes added a number of details to the take:

Im published by the Website IndieWire Verriet der Schauspieler, dass es es es 28 Jahre nach dem Ausbruch in Grossbritannien einige kleine uninfizierte Gemeinschaften gibt. It’s an anzunehmen, from the island, which is already in the teaser, only one hour. Inhaltlich gehts in “28 Years Later” a young man, a man must find a man, a seiner sterbenden Mutter zu helfen. If you don’t know what to do, you’ll have to take care of it.

Ralph Fiennes himself will be dabei as Arzt zu sehen sein. Zudem wird mit Cillian Murphy auch der Hauptdarsteller des premier Teils zurückkehren. Along with Aaron Taylor-Johnson (“Nosferatu”), Jodie Comer (“Killing Eve”) and Jack O’Connell (“Back To Black”) are still better known today as Schauspieler*innen vor der Kamera.

In Germany this will take place on June 19, 2025 on “28 Years Later”. The horror box set will allow you to discover Grundstein in a new trilogy. “28 Years Later, Part II: The Temple of Bones” takes place today at the end of the beginning of the holidays, because there are also ancient times that were abandoned and were found in 2026 on the street of bones. lights.

Übrigens hat “28 Years Later” is one of the recorded records. Was es damit auf sich hat, erfahrt ihr in thisem article:

Lange vor Kinostart: Späte Fortsetzung zu one of the best zombie films go Zeiten hat schon jetzt einen Record gebrochen