
Rettungshubschrauber prallt gegen Krankenhaus – et stürzt ab

Rettungshubschrauber prallt gegen Krankenhaus – et stürzt ab

A Rettungshubschrauber can be found in the southern Turkish province of Mugla, where there is a managed and subsequently abgestürzt Krankenhaus. Vier Insassen is manager, according to provincial governor Idris Akbiyik. Darunter seien die 2 Piloten, ein Arzt and another person. Die Unfallursache sei nochlar. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke about the business family on the X platform within his party.

The Hubschrauber is responsible for the Nachbar province in Antalya, according to Governor Akbiyik. The Zeitpoint des Abflugs sei es neblig gewesen. On a video from the NTV transmitters, the helicopter can be seen in Morgen in the Nebel aufsteigt and then with the Heck Richtung Krankenhaus abdriftet. The Fassade was described by the Aufprall, as in the images of the war. Patient in your care will not be authorized by any official. (dpa)