
Compare Park Young Ghil, Italian Taekwondo loses its Maestro Italpress News Agency

Compare Park Young Ghil, Italian Taekwondo loses its Maestro Italpress News Agency

ROMA (ITALPRESS) – Italian sport and in particular the world of taekwondo, salutes Park Young Ghil. If you went to Rome, you lost your “its” city. While “your” was in Italy, you arrived in 1966 with a specific mission: to know and grow Taekwondo. Whatever sport it is sold in Italy – in countries all over the world – it must be recommended. First Naples. Poi Puglia, Calabria and Rome. In Korea, first of all, it was allenamento durissimo, to improve the definition of form and the perfection of combat techniques. Anyone who may need to transmit to Giovanni Italiani. Mission for quality, at the time, was an idol and what a garage, which sold the first “palaestra” in the capital.
Park Young Ghil is much more status than a maestro, a technical director, a current president. And this is how he “seeded” taekwondo in our country. With passion, cura e, soprattutto, rispetto. It was time to immediately hand over the part. Un Sorriso, il capo riverso in avanti in segno di rizpetto, la voglia di ascoltare al pari di cella di recounta. A rich life for athletes and not. A life rich in success: I opened all my palaestra, especially in central and southern Italy which spent years being more amateur. Fino has donned the national azzurro, in a Direttore Tecnico jacket. It is a grandiose onore and another great fu l’impegno which sets up to go until the first “azzurri”. The preparation of the best Olympic athletes debuted in taekwondo in the dimostrativo sport. In 1988 he arrived in Korea, home of taekwondo, and experienced success. Due medal of silver and due of bronze. Poi nel 1992 in Barcelona, ​​tre medal (a silver and a bronze).
In Sydney in 2000, the first official Taekwondo Olympiad, Park worked with other youngsters Claudio Nolano, and the technical director with so many brilliant successes. Nolano, he heard it with great pain. While President Angelo Cito also introduces him to the Australian games, in his new leadership experience, the young secretary of the newborn Fita. “He is the Maestro of Italian Taekwondo – said Cito – who is with an extraordinary person, good and with incredible humanity. On the sports piano, it allows you to be what you love too. Technical directors have dazzled Vincent more than ever, since the 1970s and the 2000 ha conquered by Italy, an infinity of titles. All we have to do is stay alive. He transmitted his knowledge and his valuation. He our world and all of sport is a man, an extraordinary maestro. I am a second father.”
Park Young Ghil’s presence is not the best. He continued, and also took up the voice of the current president, and went around Italy, following the migliaia of the rags and, soprattutto, who dared to take considerable prizes. Il suo sorriso represents an important comfort and a kind of benefit. So at the end of the last national assembly, there will be a month for the Roma.
– photo of the office stamped Fita –

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