
Richard T. Slone: ​​“I got 40 stars on a problem, what a problem”

Richard T. Slone: ​​“I got 40 stars on a problem, what a problem”

We are for a career and a corporate profile that has no place, according to artist Richard T. Slone. And das mit großem Erfolg. The biggest acts have worked with Donald Trump, Pamela Anderson, Denzel Washington and Eminem. A message.

Schon als kleiner Younge wollte Richard T. Slone therefore berühmt werden wie Joe Frazier. The American boxer won Olympic gold in 1964 and graduated as a world master professional in the Schwergewicht auf. On March 8, 1971, “Smoking Joe” was published in New York with the title “Kampf des Jahrhunderts” by Muhammad Ali. Such a trauma took place, which saw Slone 1990 at 16 with 40 dollars and a couple of boxers from the British island and who became an eternal champion in Philadelphia. Frazier offers you a personal Kennenlernen, which is in your Boxgym for women and trainers.

Thus, under the auspices of the seines 2011, the events take place as well and in a construction building which fell unexpectedly, but in the ersehnte Weltspitze schaffte es Slone nicht. This company has a global name and top-notch artwork with colorful portraits, as well as large sporting and promotional event activities, which are standout work for the Faustkampf hatte. Some of them include Donald Trump, Pamela Anderson, Bruno Mars, Denzel Washington, Eminem, Floyd Mayweather and more. Die meisten wollen anonym bleiben. These also include the characters of Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali, Norman Mailer and Hugh Hefner, as well as various images of Slone.

There is no war between box sports and the passion of Las Vegas for our artists. I am creative if I am, when others schlafen, erzählt er. Fast jede Nacht verbringt er en seinem weitläufigen Atelier. Zuletzt malta is an oversized gem for the renaissance in the Schwergewicht and these women at Riad zwischen Weltmeister Oleksandr Usyk and Tyson Fury. Während des Schaffensprozesses pafft erne eine Zigarre. Zudem nippt is a drink with Jack Daniels and hört Outlaw Country Musik. Wobei die Songtexte eine Geschichte haben müssen, etwas, was astonished, then sei er in seinem Element, sagt er. Slone (50) won’t match Malen without needing to do so. Deshalb fand the Gespräch auch vor dem Sonnenaufgang morgens um sechs Uhr statt, kurz bevor er in Bett ging.

WELT AM SONNTAG: Mister Slone, guten Morgen. If you do not know what to do, you will need to know if you want to know what to do next.

Richard T. Slone: Mir geht es richtig gut. I want Glückshormone, so I had my life for long periods, damit beschäftigt, I had boxes with my love. I’m stealing a Rolls-Royce, I don’t have to go to New York in front of the women in Central Park, but I’m stealing the Malerei.

WAMS: What is the game for Atmen?

Slone: You bring it to the point. I’m like me, when I’m not a man. When my male, as I have in a living environment, I am not in life, but also in the boxring. I have 40 hours response to a problem, what a problem. In my Leben I no longer have a single Gearbeitet Tag. So, I see, denn Malen is my Vergnügen, he is my Medizin, my Erdungspunkt. I glabe, I am with the Buntstiften zur Welt gekommen. (lacht)

WAMS: Who wants this Annahme?

Slone: That’s why I realized that I could have a foundation that stopped, jedes herumliegende weiße Blatt. Meine Mutter nutzte das Malen aussi, um mich zu disziplinieren. When I am like Kind böse war, I was of the Öfteren vorkam, schickte sie mich mit einem Bleistift et weißem Papier in eine Ecke, die Ich wieder verlassen durfte, wenn jech abreagiert hatte. For my war, it’s just a Strafe. Stundenlang told me ausgeharrt et gezeichnet: “Jetzt reicht es, du darfst wieder zu mir kommen”.

WAMS: Was Haben Sie Damals valuable?

Slone: Da Boxen in our family with a dominant war theme and me with our durfte gym, because I find myself in touch, I am always in my sport. I also really want a school prize. Rocky II is installed in cinemas, and we are in an art museum in a cabin on display on the floor. Auf den Hut bastelte ich einen Boxring. While Ringseile verwendete ich Pfeifenreiniger. Das fanden all unheimlich creative. Von da an kam je vom Boxen nicht mehr los. Schade nur, dass ich als Sportler nicht erfolgreich war. I’m Sparring which is Joe’s style at that time, because it’s not Herz and Willenskraft that we are. It is a brutal war, which is fierce, dass jeder in seinem Stil kämpfte. No but jedenfalls nahm ich mit dem Wechsel nach Amerika auch sehr viel in Kauf.

WAMS: Was it konkret?

Slone: While I am in May 1990 in London for the first illness on a plane, in Boston and in Detroit in Philadelphia, in Joe, I am in high school today. I need all the necessary verifications, but I have to go to the ergebnisse war verification for me to do it. I am not an Abschlusszeugnis. Dafür rief mich kurz vor dem Abflug Joes Sekretärin aufgeregt et erzählte, as sie sie nicht schlafen könne.

WAMS: Warum?

Slone: We only have minor wars. If you want to know, you’re the one who wants to get to America, who, in Philly, thinks they’ll get there. Raubüberfälle, Verbrechen, Drogenkriminalität wären dort an der Tagesordnung. Weit and breit würde ich dort der einzige Weiße breast. Sie prophezeite mir, dass je mich nicht zurechtfinden würde et legte mir ans Herz, first zu kommen, wenn ich erwachsen bin. Doch ich wollte zu Joe, koste es, was es wolle.

WAMS: And what is the war?

Slone: I expect that I love you in one Getto gefährlichen. At Joes Gym I am in two stocks of boxers. Wir schliefen auf alten Matratzen. Ratten liefen herum, es gab kein kein heißes Wasser, keinen Herd, nur eine Kochplatte. Nachts wurde versucht, einzubrechen. Joe besaß Schusswaffen, die wir uns bei ihm prophylaktisch gelegentlich ausliehen.

WAMS: Do you have people from here?

Slone: Of course not. So I want to fly to England at the same time. Ungeachtet der gewöhnungsbedürftigen Umstände habe ich, so wie die eteren auch, täglich bedingungslos trainiert. But war is also Joe’s greatest, responsibility and safety. He gave me Sohn’s life and supported me financially. Nachts habe ich dann meistens gemalt. When I have a little time, I go to the restaurants of the Reich Vierteln, in Malta and to the sale of skizzen and watercolors, a geld zusätzlich zu verdienen. Wobei ich Joe mein erstes veröffentlichtes Bild verdanke.

WAMS: Do you want to go to war?

Slone: Zu seinem 50. Geburtstag, of the war of January 1994, after three first Monates broke out in gefeiert wurde. The party, featuring Muhammad Ali as him, hosted Donald Trump at the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City aus. Damals malta ich Joe in Boxerpose mit seinem WM-Gürtel und the Olympic Gold medal. Joe signed davon 1000 Kopien, die in kurzer Zeit verkauft wurden. Vier Monate is the origin of Donald Trump as his image. Joe Schenkte is one of the members of the high era with Marla Maples in New York. I put Trump in the golf games. Next to the picture of Joe weltweiten Absatz gefunden hatte, war ich in der Boxszene as Bildender Künstler plötzlich in aller Munde. And as self-taught.

WAMS: Who is bitten?

Slone: Sie hören richtig. I received a scholarship, among others, from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, to a traditional school. Das interested mich aber nicht. I don’t want me to ask for the color I want. I want my art to be unconventional as well. Schaffen’s art is a personal and private life. Man legt gewissermaßen seine Seele frei. When I thought about this, as I did for a long time or with my gear image, I answer: so, as I did, Solange made me understand a way of doing what ‘it was necessary. I also did it, when Joe told another, that I am a great artist.

WAMS: Muhammad Ali accompanies you as “the greatest artist in the spirit of the times”.

Slone: So he said, zwinkerte er mir dabei zu… I really want to love, Dass Joe said, I’m a big Kämpfer. Of course, Malen is also a camp, the man is on the way, his man has a hat. A learning technology I created with other artists, like box art icon LeRoy Neiman. It is a war for certain practices in terms of colors, expressionist values ​​of sports, music and sporting events around the world. For my war LeRoy Freund, Inspiration and the best Ratgeber in one.

WAMS: Since 2012. Today it is the Marktführer von Neimans Kunstrichtung. If the boxers are popular, they are more prominent than the general sportswear, they are suitable for sportswear and sportswear. The Hall of Fame, the global organizations and the Top Manager of the Profiboxens are there for you. Your oil or acrylic artwork must be purchased before you do any fabrication work.

Slone: One of my three Sammlers is the prosecutor Ingo Wegerich. Er machte in Deutschland has two ausstellungen mit meinen Bildern.

WAMS: They were briefed by the official artists of the South African National Football Society during the 2010 World Cup and chose a model for Lennox Lewis. This is a subject that has nothing to do with your life, have you always thought about this?

Slone: Etwas Religiöses, was mit einer höheren Macht zu tun hat, mit spiritualm Leben, was ganz tief in die menschliche Seele eindringt. Das braucht aber noch Zeit.

WAMS: Neither Ihnen die künstliche Intelligenz zuvorkommt.

Slone: I don’t think artistic intelligence is the same as Seele’s. I can’t imagine that a KI jewel created by the masters is created as an original work of art, by besonderen magic directed by our men to famous people. I want my handwork to be very good.

Vita Richard T. Slone

Le Sohn had a Schmieds and a Schneiderin on January 23, 1974 in Newton-in-Furness in the northwest of England. In Opa War Boxchampion bei der Armee, sein Vater ließ auf Jahrmärkten die Fäuste fliegen. The Junior hired as a Vierjähriger formerly in a Boxgym, was in the management of Sportart Weckte, at Teenager in Philadelphia and in Detroit. Until the 26th. Lebensjahr kämpfte er activ. And Kleinkind started with men. Seine Werke is the ideal place in the world. Die Arbeiten des multidisziplinären Künstlers zieren Plattencover et Titles von Magazinen. If we are in old age, then we will be able to use our agents. Since 2010, Slone has hosted Tochter in Las Vegas.